Electric Vehicles & Solar Panels: Benefits & Savings

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Making the switch from petrol or diesel to an electric vehicle is a good move for both our environment and your wallet, but running an electric vehicle with free solar energy is even better. Is it time for the UK to make the switch to electric?


Both are big incentives to go electric, but they become even more tempting if you’re able to generate your own renewable, free electricity with solar panels. We’ve taken a look at the potential benefits, costs and savings involved in partnering solar panels with an electric vehicle.

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It’s well known that electric cars are much better for the quality of our air as they produce zero emissions at the tailpipe, but there has been much debate over the total gas emissions electric cars contribute over their lifetime, i.e. during the construction process through to the scrapping, plus the burning of fossil fuels in the production of the electricity to power them (unless it’s generated from renewable technology such as solar or wind power).



Not only are electric vehicles becoming more affordable to buy with every passing year, the cost of charging your vehicle with electricity will also save you money compared to refuelling with petrol or diesel. And if you charge your car with free electricity generated by solar panels, you can save even more money. According to our calculations the average home could save up to £2,783 per year. Find out more about the potential savings of solar panels and an electric vehicle later in the article.

Electric Vehicles Are Cheaper & Easier to Maintain

batteries can last up to 15 years.


fire at the approximate rate of 1 fire in every 20 million miles driven. For EVs, the rate is 1 fire per 120 million miles driven.


电动汽车有一个非常快速和平滑的皮卡和高torque power and are well known for how quiet they are from both inside and outside the car.

Ben Vinyard, Technical & Business Development Manager at Waxman Energy Ltd, is on the Distribution Code Review Panel for the grid and was also a contributor to the IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) battery storage guide. We asked him to share his opinion on the electric vehicle market:

‘Electric vehicles are far less of a sacrifice than they used to be. Today, they will drive further, faster and they’re getting the premium design treatment. They’re no longer an eco-warrior’s statement. They’re simply desirable. Month on month, the statistics for new EV cars registered in the UK increases. We’re at 4.8% at the moment, which is as almost 1 in 20. In less than a year I expect this figure to be 1 in 10.’



Charging Electric Vehicles with Solar PV

Swapping a fossil-fuel car for an electric car with zero tailpipe emissions is a big step towards a greener lifestyle, but if you’re powering it with electricity from the grid you are usually using electricity generated from fossil fuels (although an increasing number of energy suppliers are using renewable technologies).


重要的:太阳能电池板只会在白天发电电力来为您的EV充电。如果您和您的汽车在当天在家,那么您可以直接从太阳能光伏系统充电。但是,如果您是在白天出局的众多人中之一,您将被列错过您的面板产生的大部分免费电力。为了能够在晚上向汽车充电,您还需要安装一个太阳能电池,该电池将存储剩余的太阳能(您尚未使用的任何能量),所以您可以在晚上使用它。了解更多bob app下载

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  • A typical 5kW south facing solar pv system will produce an average of 18kWh of solar energy per day from March to October.
  • 一家典型的英国家庭,用电炉烹饪,平均每天使用9kWh电力。

This leaves 9kW of solar PV energy to charge your car. As a typical electric vehicle uses 1kWh of power to travel approximately 4 miles, you’d have enough power to drive 36 miles per day or 13,000 miles per year.

These figures are obviously based on averages and you should always consult an MCS certified (or equivalent) solar installer to assess how many solar panels you need. They will calculate this based on your daily electricity usage, average mileage and what size battery you will need to store the energy generated.

Note: The UK winter brings low levels of sunlight which will often mean your solar panels can’t generate enough energy to meet all your power requirements. During these times you’ll need to top up with energy from a supplier but your solar panels will still generate some electricity.

How Much Could You Save with Solar Panels & an Electric Vehicle?

Continuing with the average figures (5kW PV system, 9kWh energy consumption and driving 36 miles per day), it’s possible to save more than £2,500 in electricity and fuel by replacing a 35mpg diesel car and grid powered home with solar energy.

Average Cost Per Mile Annual Mileage Cost (13,000 miles)
柴油车 15p £1,950
Grid Charged Electric Vehicle 4p £520
太阳能带电电动车 0P. 0英镑
Average Cost Per kWh Annual Electricity Cost (9kWh x 365 days =
Electricity from the National Grid 15.5p. £509
Electricity from Solar Panels 0P. 0英镑


In addition, if your solar panels were installed and accepted on to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme by March 31st 2019, you will be receiving payments for the energy generated by your solar panels for 20 years. The latest FiT rate is 3.86p* per kWh of your total generated energy and 5.24p per kWh for your exported energy (usually estimated at 50% of what you’ve generated).

Based on a generation figure of 5,000kWh (and therefore an estimated 2,500kWh of exported energy) this totals around £324 per year in FiT payments.


*Based on the December 2018 rate for standard solar photovoltaic systems receiving the higher rate.

Other financial benefits of electric vehicles include:

You may be entitled to the First Year Allowance (FYA) which means electric and low emission cars are eligible for the first year allowance which enables drivers to claim for up to 100% of the cost. Businesses with electric company cars can claim a year’s deduction for the cost of the vehicle and electric vehicles with zero emissions are exempt from the London Congestion Charge.

There are also electric vehicle grants to help you make the change:

  • 英国插件汽车补助金提供高达3,500英镑的折扣,从您的新电动汽车的价格下降。
  • OLEV Grant提供高达500英镑的购买成本和安装家庭费用。

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Buying an Electric Vehicle

There are a few things that you need to know before you decide to go ahead and make the switch to an electric car, especially if you are planning to use solar PV to charge your car. You’ll need to be sure to select a car charge point solution that enables effective solar charging, i.e. charging at a lower power rate to suit solar PV production levels and maximum solar battery storage discharge rates.

We asked UK designers and manufacturers of solar compatible electric car home charging points, Andersen-EV, for their advice on buying an electric car.



  1. Find the Right Electric Vehicle for You


    Ultimately it comes down to three things: the range of the car, working out how would you charge it (for example at home, at work, at public charging points or a combination of them) and price. Once you’ve got that locked, you can delve deeper into your selection process (or example, the way the car looks and size of car etc).

  2. Take Advantage of the Government Grants

    You may even be able to benefit from more than one of the grands at the same time. For example, if you live in Scotland you can benefit from a £500 OLEV grant as well as the £300 EST grant. This adds up to a huge £800 saving on your charge point, which makes purchasing an Andersen charge point a no-brainer.

    • Seai(爱尔兰可持续能源权威)
    • EST (Energy Savings Trusts – Scotland)
    • OLEV(英国居民的电动汽车主页计划)
  3. Research Your Home Charging Options

    收费是最方便,便宜,流行的方式来为ev充电。然而,随着市场上的许多可用,值得考虑一个智能,可定制的型号,如Andersen A2,安装为标准。



  4. Find Your Local Public Charge Point

    Even if you can reliably charge at home or work it is good to map the location of your nearest public charge points. If you live in an area with lots of EV drivers there is a chance they may be occupied at busy times.

    如果您担心没有收费者,或者太少,您可以要求您的理事会将充电器安装在您的家附近。中央政府为所有当地议会提供资金,专门用于安装公共收费点。然而,许多理事会尚未花钱。委员会有义务考虑居民的任何申请 - 所以不要害怕问 - 在您的街道上有一个EV充电器甚至可以提高您的财产的价值!简单的字母足以让球滚动。

  5. Think About Your Energy Bills

    The majority of motorists who make the switch from a combustion engine to an EV immediately feel the financial benefits of not paying to fill their tanks with petrol or diesel.


    对于那些与太阳能电池板,这是哪里e it becomes very exciting. Once the stuff of science fiction, powering your car from energy harnessed by the sun has now become a reality thanks to smart EV charge points like the Andersen A2, which can be linked to solar panels in the home.


About Andersen EV

Andersen offer stylish and contemporary home charge points for electric vehicles in the UK. The charge points offer safe and fast charging (7kW or 22kW) and are compatible with all electric cars.


For more information on the complete range of solar compatible Andersen EV home charge points you can访问他们的网站。

Electric Vehicles + Solar Power = The Future


Ben Vinyard at Waxman Energy says:

‘Solar panel prices are not set to go down. The electronics are as cheap as possible, margins are low and modules are sold as low as the production cost in some cases. However, cobalt (an ingredient in lithium) prices are increasing and the expectation is that battery prices will rise. It’s also reasonable to assume that if our energy prices continue to go up, the technology manufacturers that solve the problem have a reason to put their prices up too…


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Thanks to Ben Vinyard at Waxman Energy and Andersen EV for contributing to this article.

All images have been supplied by Andersen EV and feature Andersen EV home charge points for electric vehicles.


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