
Dave Sowden, Micropower Council首席执行官
上周谈判到饲料税前的送入关税(DECC)所说的低于预期的风速和降雨导致4月至6月举行的可再生发电量12%左右 -年。然而,太阳能光伏截止到8月份,在过去的连续三个月里,安装数量达到了创纪录的水平,9月份的数据将由Ofgem发布。
“Such premature adjustments to the tariff would have a profoundly damaging effect on long term investor confidence in the clean tech and renewable energy sectors, and may cause investors to flee altogether, thereby stifling any future investment and seriously jeopardising this country’s ability to meet its climate change and renewable energy targets. It would immediately destroy the value of recent investments in any company, technology or initiative built on the back of the feed-in tariff policy, and it would have damaging knock-on consequences for investment appetites against both current and future policies in the climate change/renewable energy sectors, and possibly in many unrelated sectors as well.”
Micropower Council的首席执行官戴夫·索登(Dave Sowden)也参与了这项倡议:“No right-minded investor will trust any of this Government’s current or future policies if it meddles with feed-in-tariffs prior to the planned review in 2013. Without confident investors, the Government will find it impossible to deliver the country’s CO2 reduction and renewable energy commitments.