太阳能光伏设备的Alpha Eco系统。正品低价,唯一的所有者如此较低的开销和那些节省的储蓄直接给了你。系统投资回报时间减少,您的利润增加,一位大公司根本无法给您的服务。
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3.92 kWp尖锐的阵列,ormesby16 245W锋利的单声道面板,位于八个阵列中。安装Fronius IG 3.6逆变器,具有USB连接和数据/自诊断日志。总费用低于12,000英镑(2011年澳元,现在更像6,000英镑)意味着回报时间不到7年!有关更多信息或免费报价,请随时致电德里克。
1.5 kWp安装,北诺福克1.5 KWP安装,包括6 250W费城面板,西面朝上。你不必有一个南方的屋顶来享受出色的回报。东部或西方的光伏阵列仍将在投资中的钱三倍!安装有ENASOLAR 1.5逆变器,内置Wi-Fi连接。
3.88 kwp夏普安装,霍斯福德21 x 185w夏普单声道面板是一个完美的适合这个屋顶,安装了令人敬畏的SMA Sunnyboy 4000tl逆变器,顶部设有内置蓝牙和SunnyBeam Monitor展示 - 非常优雅的小工具必须拥有!全部安装了12K£12K!(2011年5月,现在是6,000英镑)的年度讨价还价!所有者对单位安装的快速兴奋不已!
3.68 kwp install, gorleston这些230w多晶面板是一位业内朋友向我推荐的,它的质量和产量给我留下了非常深刻的印象,超过了许多单晶体面板。安装有sma sunnyboy蓝牙逆变器和sunnybeam显示器(无线)。对于这个客户,我们能够以更好的价格安装更高质量的系统!
2.94 kwp array, suffolk.这个客户的房子没有一个可用的朝南的屋顶,但他的汽车港口有!我们最大限度地利用了12个流行的245w锐利面板的可用空间,使该阵列的额定功率为2.96 kwp。通过安装一个带有蓝牙“背驮式”和“阳光束”远程监视器的sma逆变器,这个高兴的客户可以检查他家里的发电量/收入-如果你想在打开家用电器之前检查你的系统发电量,这非常方便!
诺里奇,3.75千瓦。该阵列由15 x 250w锐利面板组成,“峰值”额定功率为3.75kW。真正让这一天的客户感到高兴的是,尽管仍在调试系统,但sunnybeam远程监视器有时显示,该阵列可以在“kwp”上运行良好,甚至达到4.0千瓦!有些面板有+5%的公差能力,这就是为什么选择面板是非常重要的!
3.43 kWp,lowestoft。此阵列是14 x 245w的锐利面板,以纵向模式排列为两排7。这位客户是一位会计,他已经明白太阳能光伏发电在财务上是非常有意义的。。。。只是找个合适的公司去做而已!
4。0 kwp, barnby.mounted on a horse stable roof, this 16 x 250w sharp array was a joy to do! we seem to be doing more and more installations on outbuildings, due to the fact we survey on site carefully to offer potential customers a choice of installations to suit them and maximise returns. as i quote and install, i can give you much more info than a 'grand man' can, (grand man is the industry term for salesman- as the average solar pv commision is a whopping £1000!) -most of them can't tell the differance between a good panel and a hole in the ground!! so any questions please feel free to ask. remember that there is no such thing as a 'stupid question'- there is, however, stupid answers!
4。0 kwp, blofield阵列为16 x 250w尖头面板。通过使用SMA Sunnyboy逆变器,拥有“双追踪器”,您可以在不同的屋顶上安装不同的尺寸阵列,甚至面临不同的方向!如果您屋顶在这种情况下,如果您的窗口是理想的。
南部和西部阵列,4.0 kWpwe are completing more 'split' arrays- as it makes perfect financial sense to maximise the available space. many people believe that you need a south facing roof for solar to work but this is simply not the case!
所有的黑色面板是一个微妙的外观。如果你的屋顶瓷砖是灰色或黑色的,或者如果你有一个板岩屋顶,'所有黑色'面板看起来更好。现在可提供比普通银框架板的额外成本。2.5 kWp系统,如此通常只需4,750英镑!
Where there is a will, there is a way!这位客户真的想要一个4.00千瓦的系统,所以我们通过规划这个系统已经出局了SAP估计来实现额外的英里,以使其发生!所有5,950英镑!
商队公园综合楼commercial property can also benefit from solar as an excellent investment. this clever caravan park owner in newbourne near ipswich chose us to install this 3.75 kwp system with remote monitoring for just £5,600, earning a heathly return of investment and making a big dent in the electricity bill!
Rosemary (biscuit) tiles no problem!如果完成,拟合太阳能电池板应不损害屋顶的完整性。无论屋顶覆盖物类型如何,我们都有经验在您的房产上安装阵列,即使是这些'饼干'瓷砖,较小的安装人员将为警惕。
4。00 kwp on artists studio这次安装是在一个被用作工作室的一个建筑物的东/西屋顶上。快乐要做!
2.5 kW阵列在外建筑,靠近Dereham这个阵列是由250w的“永恒”面板8.33。真的是一个伟大的小组的钱。单晶,全黑,欧洲制造
in roof array, 4.0 kw, perlight panels, scraby通过在屋顶安装件中使用GSE,面板安装在屋顶内,而不是在屋顶上 - 用于更清洁的线路,更谨慎完成。这更具劳动密集,所以成本更多,但完成的结果看起来很棒!
4.0 kW阵列,诺维奇,'永恒'面板we are registered '8.33' installers- we love the 'eternity' panels. extended warranties, obsesive quality control, great looks and market leading power tolerance make this the panel of the year- please ask for more details.
所有的黑色阵列在锌屋顶,ascle。这款锌屋顶只有一个“常设接缝”完成 - 没问题!一如既往地,这个系统通过执行SAP估计 - 客户在月球上!
Flat roof array, 4.0 kw, norwich.使用“solion sunmounts”,我们在诺里奇的一栋公寓楼上安装了这个看起来很棒的阵列。项目经理对我们印象深刻,他推荐我们进行另外5次安装。我们几乎所有的工作都是转介-我们为此感到自豪和高兴!
Our feedback
New Solar PV Installation in Norwich
Our review of Alpha Eco Systems is very high, we had previously been given a quote by a large national company but their price was way above Alpha's and their components were not as good. The Pv system was fitted in a day and Derek returned the next to go through everything with us. All the paperwork to our energy supplier was printed off and filled in by Derek with only our bank details to be added. The system is exceeding our expectations & we would recommend Alpha Eco Systems to anyone, many thanks.
Always helpful, all our questions were answered, they arrived on time and the job was completed on schedule. They did an excepionally clean job, there was no clearing up to do after they finished. I would be more than happy to recommend Alpha Eco systems to friends and family.
New Solar PV Installation in Norwich
System working very well, just need some fine weather. Would and have reccomended Alpha to others without hesitation.