No More Horsing Around With Energy Costs Thanks to Solar
An equestrian centre in Scotland has decided to stop horsing around when it comes to saving energy by investing in solar technology.
Based in Bishopton, the Ingliston Country Club is set to make significant savings on their energy bills, thanks to the installation of 520 roof-mountedsolar PVpanels.
The 120kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system should reduce the centre’s energy use by 72000kWh annually, which is the equivalent of 48.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Thesolar panelswill enable the Ingliston Country Club to cut its energy costs by 40%, which should go some way to ensuring the Club’s long-term security in an energy market that continues to see skyrocketing fuel bills.
Establishing itself as a prime example of how commercial enterprises can do their bit for reducing the country’s carbon emissions output, the Country Club’s solar scheme is the largest of its kind currently in Scotland. Undertaken as part of a wider initiative to reduce the Club’s carbon footprint, the installation of solar PV panels is but one of a number of energy saving measures that have been implemented.
The project was developed by Edinburgh based renewable energy developer Locogen, in partnership with Top Spec Contracts, an Erskine based construction and refurbishment company. Completed prior to the 1 August feed-in tariff deadline, the equestrian centre will benefit from the Government’s lucrativefeed-in tariff(Fit) scheme, which will guarantee them an income for generating their own electricity for the next 25 years.
“We are immensely proud to be running one of the biggest commercial solar PV operations in the UK,” said Paul Fraser, who owns Ingliston Country Club.
“This scheme is part of an ongoing initiative to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing our energy output, and drawing our energy needs from renewable resources,” he added.